Invisalign: Who Is The Right Candidate For It?

A contemporary alternative to using wires to realign your teeth is Invisalign. A custom-made set of nearly unnoticeable aligners that fit over the teeth are made of transparent, sleek, and sturdy plastic. You switch out your Invisalign for a fresh pair every two weeks while your teeth gradually move into their proper locations. Here, you’ll learn whether you’re a good candidate for Invisalign in Grandville . So, read till the end. Invisalign: Who Is The Right Candidate For It? Patients for Invisalign in Byron Center are drawn from various societal backgrounds. Despite the existence of individuals who have benefited from Invisalign in their 80s, most prospects are adolescents or adults. About 96% of patients who use Invisalign report being satisfied. The extent to which a person will use their Invisalign as advised is among the most critical factors in determining if or not they are a perfect candidate for Invisalign treatment. Too much time spent with them outside can be counterproduct...