Everything You Must Know About Orthodontic Spacers

Orthodontists around the world including the orthodontists in Grandville MI usually recommended orthodontic spacers to their patients before placing braces on the teeth. Now, a spacer is basically an orthodontic appliance that is inserted between the teeth to prepare the mouth for all the hardware of braces. Since spacers are not worn by all the patient’s people seldom know a lot about them. Thus, in this post, we are going to enlighten you with everything they must know about orthodontic spacers. Is Everyone Advised To Wear Spacers Before Braces? Orthodontics in general and especially Orthodontics in Grandville recommend spacers to patients with traditional braces. The fundamental purpose of a spacer is to create a little space between certain teeth, usually the molars so the orthodontist can easily install metal bands around those teeth. How Many Different Types Of Spacers Are There? The most common types of spacers are: Rubbe...